Easton T11 Thunderstick Training Bat

Model: SG1-3427

Size: 34in./27oz.

Estimated Price: $179.95

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Description: With the Thunderstick, Easton offers a unique hand-eye training aid. The Thunderstick is a training bat that helps improves hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is a vital part of a successful hitter, without it hitting is virtually impossible. The Thunderstick T11 is a training tool that forces the hitter to make contact with the ball with a smaller bat. This will help the hitter develop better vision on the ball and being able to hit the ball with the sweet spot of the bat. The T11 has a barrel size of 1 inch that will teach hitters to make solid contact with the ball. Once again this is another exclusive innovation from Easton. Features:1 Inch Diameter BarrelCushioned GripUnique Hand-Eye Training AidYouth Thunderstick is 30″ 26 oz.